New Heights

New Heights Redevelopment

About - New Heights

Since our inception, Carpenter’s Shelter has evolved from a small group of concerned citizens providing bedding on cold nights into a leader in finding solutions that permanently end and prevent homelessness. Our comprehensive services meet the immediate needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness; our continuum of essential programs and ongoing support help them work toward permanent homes where adults are stable, and children can grow and thrive. We are open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, and serve more than 900 children, women, and men each year.

In 2018, after the partnership with Housing Alexandria was finalized, our redevelopment project to house our new state-of-the-art building located on the first floor with ninety-seven affordable apartments (The

Bloom) on the six floors above began. The teardown of the old, retrofitted DMV at 930 N. Henry Street started. All services, volunteers and staff moved to the shuttered Macy’s at Landmark Mall, and Carpenter’s Shelter embarked on the $2 million New Heights Redevelopment and Capital Campaign.

In November 2019, Carpenter’s Shelter announced six months earlier than expected that we had reached our goal through a generous gift from Amazon. Other major donors included the Phillip L. Graham Fund, The Hoffman Family, David E. Offutt, III Charitable Trust, Earl W. Stafford and 534 heartfelt contributions from the community. Final contributions came in to push us well over the goal.

Carpenter’s Shelter moved into a brand-new facility in November 2020 and celebrated with a grand opening ceremony and tours. Our new building provides the infrastructure for Carpenter’s Shelter to meet community needs for decades to come.

Demolition and Construction of the New Heights Building

In 2018, after the partnership with the Housing Alexandria was finalized, our redevelopment project to house our new state-of-the-art building located on the first floor with ninety-seven affordable apartments (The Bloom) on the six floors began. The tear down of our current home at 930 N. Henry Street, a retrofitted DMV building started. All services, residents, volunteers and staff moved to the shuttered Macy’s at Landmark Mall, and Carpenter’s Shelter embarked on the $2 million New Heights Redevelopment and Capital Campaign.

In November 2019, Carpenter’s Shelter announced six months earlier than expected that we had reached our goal through a generous gift from Amazon. Other major donors included the Phillip L. Graham Fund, The Hoffman Family, David E. Offutt, III Charitable Trust, Earl W. Stafford and 534 heartfelt contributions from the community. Final contributions came in to push us well over the goal.

Carpenter’s Shelter moved into a brand-new facility in November 2020 and celebrated with a grand opening ceremony and tours. Our new building will provide the infrastructure for Carpenter’s Shelter to meet community needs for decades to come.

Carpenter’s Shelter Becomes the Operator of Alexandria Community Shelter (ACS)

In December 2023, Carpenter’s Shelter deepened its partnership with City of Alexandria by assuming operations of its Alexandria Community Shelter (ACS.) ACS is a 64-bed emergency residential shelter that serves both individuals and families. The Alexandria Community Shelter is funded by the City of Alexandria Department of Community and Human Services’ Office of Community Services.

In the News

Carpenter’s Shelter’s New Heights Campaign and property redevelopment project have appeared in The New York Times and featured in local news! Browse the articles below to learn more!

Campaign Donors

We would like to offer a huge, heart-felt thank you to all of the donors who supported the New Heights Campaign! Please contact Meghan Cole, Development Associate via email for any errors or questions.
$5,000 and above
Elizabeth Wilmot & Peter Adler Jim & Sheila Fleming (In Memory of Sam Davidson) The Motley Fool
Amazon Neil & Kelly Gillespie Robert Musser – The Musser Fund
Anonymous 1 Good Shepherd Lutheran Timothy R. O’Hara
Anonymous 2 The Goodhart Group Daniel E. Offutt, III Charitable Trust
Anonymous 3 Grace Community Church OLIFF PLC
Anonymous 4 Grant Thornton Public Sector LLC Passport Auto Group
Anonymous 5 Rita Grazda Philip L. Graham Fund
Anonymous 6 Joan & Jeff Greene Jennifer & JB Poersch
Guy Anthony & Asha Sharma Anthony Charlotte Grzebien Revada Foundation – Dan & Gloria Logan
Ginny & Michael Royal and Mary & Neil Aronov Mary Stuart Hall Louise Roseman
J. David Bailey Steve McMahon, Cynthia Alksne & Beth Hamed Rotary Club of Alexandria
Fran & Rich Becker In Honor of Val & Dottie Hawkins Ruth Kane & John Runyan
In Honor of Contributions from Beth El Hebrew Congregation Val & Florence Hawkins Carson Lee Fifer, Jr. & Sarah E. Savage
Robert & Sabine Bisson Heanue-Munson Family Matt & Amy Sheldon
The Booma Family Meghan & Patrick Hendy Elizabeth & John Siegel
Robert & Karen Boyd Lisa & Phil Herget Hon. David G. Speck & Marcia Neuhaus Speck
Hilary & Robert Brandt Hoffman Family Earl W. Stafford
John & Lynn Brennan John & Diane Hynes Barry & Margaret Stauffer
Lisa Jacobs & Paul Brinkman William & Janney Jay The Steene Family
Michael & Patty Carr The Keene Family Greg & Pam Sullivan
Caudron Megary Blackburn Wealth Management Maria Bothwell & Jeff Kline Dr. John Sherner & Dr. Christine Thayer
Ashley & Sam Chamberlain The Kohm Family Jen Lachman & John Villar
The Dr. Francis P. Chiaramonte Family Foundation Susan & Gary Labovich Virginia Sargeant Reynolds Foundation
Adam Cole Peter Lunt & Pilar Vasquez-Lunt Laura Rose & Eric Wazorko
Columbia Capital Mike & Joy Lyden Kim & Bobby Weir
Christopher W. Brown & Mimi Conger GEN (Ret) Stanley McChrystal & Annie McChrystal The Wells Fargo Foundation
Cotton & Company LLP Gibson Pate McMahon Ada L & Albert M Wibel Foundation
Spencer & Carol Dickerson The McMurray Family Nancy DiPaolo & David Williams
Element 84, Inc. Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation In Memoriam, Doctor Wineland
Mr. & Mrs. E. Tazewell Ellett K.C. & Collin Moller The Jonathan F. Wolcott Family
Finn & Violet The Moody Family
Access Accounting ServicesMichael & Maureen DoyleEli Peterson
Agudas Achim CongregationShannon C. DoylePhase Foundation
Mary AlexandreSteven DuffieldAndrea & Scott Ponsor
Alfred Street Baptist ChurchRob DuggerSt. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Nancy Appleby – Appleby Law PLLCShawn & Sirine FisherStephanie Schriock
Lydia ArnoldEdward D. Fletcher, Jr.Kristine Schulz
William AshfordStephen FrerichsPeter & Nancy Sheldon
Patricia BarbarowiczTom GardnerMoira A. Skinner
David & Beth BartlettCharlotte A. HallGreg Souchack
Maribeth BersaniWilliam HechtThe Thorpe & Sramek Family 
Richard G. BertMatthew Jacobson & Susan HeitkerIngre Stackhouse
Mary Ann BierRobin Z. HellmuthAnita Stribling
Deborah BombardEmaline Davis HenardPhil Sunderland
Edith BullardHolland & Knight LLPMichael Syracuse
Lisa ChimentoImmanuel Church-on-the-HillJim Taylor
Christ ChurchRaymond A. Jacobsen, Jr.Willie Covington & Dr. Sharon Taylor
Christ the King ChurchSusan KellyKristin & Chris Teeters
In Honor of Fran Becker by The Clark FamilyEdward V.A. KussyMark Tonsetic
Commonwealth Baptist ChurchKye Lee-AbboushiTransurban
Ed CreskoffClaire LesuerWalter P. Tyree IV
Jeff CreskoffJulie Angus & Joseph MarkoskiJennifer A. Vasiloff
James & Suzanne DavisJohn McEvoyGeorge Walker
Alison & Marc DeCourceyGary & Noelle McGlynnJanet T. Walker, LPC
Windsor DemaineMichelle J. Millben, Esq.Washington Street United Methodist Church
Catherine & Henry DesmaraisHannah MooreWestminster Presbyterian Church
Spencer & Carol DickersonJim & Nikki MorrellYes&
Beverly DietzPamela Nolan 
Joyce DouglasNordstrom
Joan G. Sprigle Adair TrusteeDebra HillMichele Pilc
Alexandria Business & Professional Women’s NetworkWilliam J. HillP. Pilone
Alisha & Cameron AlfordDavid HohmanAngela Pittman
Steven AkeyMarianne H. HolmesAmy F. Poe
Thomas E. AndersonEleanor J. HolsoppleLouise A. Priest
Priscilla Andre-ColtonJill HooverSimone & Steven Putnam
Anonymous 7Rollin L. HuntingtonJohn F. Quinn
Susan AthyThomas W. HusseyClaire Randall
Manuel & Cheri AvilaLindsay HutterGeorge Rasmussen
Karen BaileyCynthia IngersollTovah R. Ravitz-Meehan
Jane F. BairdLauren IrishLauren Ray
Diana S. BanatAnne JillsonRobert Redmond
Jeffrey R. BarnesNicolas JimenezAlice C. Reid
Brittany BaronChristine JoachimThe Reo Family
In Honor of Mr. William BarrickJanet JohnsonJohn Repetti
The Battey Family Charitable FundAleksandar JovovicWilliam & Patricia Rhodes
Nancy G. BergBarbara KatesJessica Richardson
Jack BermanMaria KazanowskaDenise Pat Rizzuto
Abraham David BernankeMeghan & Jeff KellerEdward L. Roberts, Jr.
Cassie & Bradley BeychokKathleen KellyMary Rock
Michael S. BogdanowElizabeth KikerWilliam D. Rogers, Jr.
Murray BonittAnnette L. KilianDonovan Roley
Glennis G. BotelhoKaren KinardCarlos Rosales
Ellen BradleyKatherine M. KirchgraberKathleen M. Russell
Barbara BrenmanAnn KorkyCathryn Sacra
William V. Brierre, Jr.Joan M. KotzeJoyce C. Sanchez
Timothy BrightbillJohnel LanceSuellen S. Savukas
Alan M. BrodyMary LangleyJacqueline Schenkel
Kara BrosmerPatricia LarsenDiana Schwanhausser
James T. BrownJenifer T. LarsonSeizure Tracker LLC
Emily BuckmanJoseph A. LastelicRobert Shapiro
Jaclyn BuckreisRobert Harry LatiffMarilyn R. Sharp
Sandra M. BuerleJean A. LeeMelissa Shelby
Amoret Bell BunnBelaine J. LehmanRobin Shultz
Barbara A. BurkeErnest J. LehmannDavid W. Siegrist
Phylius BurksJudith LelchookJane N. Sigmon
Rebecca BurnsRobert LeonardCharles E. Silva
Mary CaldwellCaroyln M. LethertEtheline L. Simon
Elizabeth M. CalveyCecilia LewisLinda Simon
Caroline CarbaughJessica LewisNoah Simon
William S. CarnellCynthia R. LilleyMark Silberer
Marcia A. CarpentierRobert LineberryElizabeth C. Smith
Judy CarterAnn L. LoughlinJeanette E. Smith
Elizabeth CassidyEvelyn LuisMaggie Smith
George & Marguerite ChadwickAnnMarie MaccubbinGisle Sorli
Maria ClarkKathy MadrickRonald Southwick
Stephen CloudMary Catherine MalinSusan J. Spear
Jim CoakleyJoseph Mancias, JrJohn D. Spevacek
Carolyn CoberlyShirley MarshallSt. Paul Christian Center
Barbara CoffeyHoward MasonPeter Stackhouse
William CollinsTrenton MasonPatrcia A. Sugrue
Jill CookCamille MassieFrank W.A. Swoboda
Barbara & Edward CotterArra Ann MazorAlfred W. Tate
Sgt. Maj (Ret) Linda CottonDavid & Lynn McCreedyHaskell Taub
Nancy Lee CoughlinJennifer McCullochDetra C. Taylor
Brenda Gale CoxMary Ann McDonaldSusan S. Thompson
Teri & Rob CulbertsonSarah McElwainChanna Threat
Barbara CurrieRobert McKernanVeronica Tinsley
Joseph B. DaleyArin F. McNamaraLinda M. Tolkan
Bruce Cameron DavidsonCatherine C. McPeekJohn Tolleris
Rebecca S. DaviesJune McSwainJoseph & Patricia Toole
Nanette L. DavisMark E. MerandaSusan G. Tuttle
John DeckerRachel A. MercerBarbara Tyeryar
Alex DeringerPatricia MeyersCatherine Tyler
Assumpta Ann DermodyApril MillerMeredith Upchurch
Carolyn Maurer DevilbissJeff MillerAnne Marie Van Atta
Kerry & Eva DonleySteve MillerMarian Van Landingham
Tracie DorfmanBarbara S. MoffetSteven P. Varrecchio
Lisa DoughertyChristina MooneySally Veith
Basil EliopoulosJoan MooreElmira Vogtmann
Lynda ErinoffErin MorehouseKenneth Wainstein
Carol ErionPatricia MuellerMary A. Warner
Margaret ErringtonMarsha MurphyPatricia Waterfield
Maria EvansJoan MyersCarol J. Weber
Gerald W. FauthPatricia Myers-HayerDavid Weingart
Michael FierroCharles NashFowler West
Janice R. FoleyThomas NeerGeorge West
Brian FosterCarol O’ShaughnessyIn Honor of Kim Weir
Darlene FreemanLeslie A. O’SullivanLouise P. Welch
Catherine GarlandCharlotte E. OlsonRichard T. Welborn
Brian GastonRuby OsiaTerry White
Nick GehrigCol (Ret) Tofie M. OwenCliff Whitham
Nancy GiblinFaye M. PadgettRance Rothwell Willis
Pamela B. GilbertM. Ann ParhamBill & Terese Winslow
Wendy GinsbergKristen ParkerSharon W. Witiw
Barbara & Stephen GlombMary-Parker LammMargaret A. Wohler
Steve GreaniasRobert PascalXavier S. Wong
Richard A. GreenBob & Gay PasleyJoyce M. Wood
Judith P. GreyEllen PatrickBrian Woodburn
Carol GoodloeHal W. PattisonDavid B. Wynne
Lynnette GoreeGwen & Jerome Paulson Charitable FundSandra L. Yamamoto
Priscilla H. HallCarrie PedrozaJanice Yeadon
Marilyn J. HanselJohn PellettMartha G. Young
Jean HartungAnita I. PelleyKara Youree
In Honor of Val HawkinsRebecca L. PenickElizabeth Yu
Glenna HechtMary Ann PhillipsStratis Zervos
Mary Page HickeyJeannette M. PickettHarold B. Zimmerman


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