Carpenter’s Employment and Education Services help residents increase their knowledge and achieve appropriate skills and certification to enhance their employability and thrive in the community.
Carpenter’s Shelter provides tailored employment workshops for residents who are currently unemployed or seeking to enhance their employment prospects. These workshops are thoughtfully designed to equip clients with the essential skills required to secure and sustain full-time employment opportunities.
Workshops focus on the following skill sets:
Resume building
Job searching
Interviewing skills
On the job skills
Communicating with co-workers
Problem solving
Job coaches are available to work with residents one-on-one. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer job coach, please contact us at
Educational Scholarship
Carpenter’s Shelter believes that education enables our clients to expand employment options, leading to increased housing stability. The Lee Fifer Jr. Educational Scholarships are integral to the Education Program. Lee was a longtime champion for the role of education as a means of empowering individuals to build a brighter future. Because he so fully supported this approach, the scholarships bear his name and recognize his legacy. In the past year alone, $25,000 has been awarded to current and former residents for technical degrees, certifications, college tuition, and ESL classes.